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Cannabis In The Treatment Of Rheumatic Diseases

Cannabis In The Treatment Of Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic diseases are divided into multiple conditions of varying origin and variable severity, which affects the osteoarticular and muscle-tender systems. It is well known that it is manifested by pain, progressive deformity and functional limitations. Some of them have to compromise with internal organs like the heart and other viscera.

Regarding the cause, in some of them, the autoimmune component is of particular relevance, while others are secondary to other types of degenerative or infectious processes Clean Herbal Aroma.

Some of these ailments are:

  • Osteoarthritis (arthrosis)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis arthritis
  • The systemic lupus erythematosus (Lupus)
  • Scleroderma
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Polymyositis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Behçet’s disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Mellitus diabetes
  • Thyroiditis

The most common joint symptoms and signs are:

  • Inflammation and chronic joint pain (one or multiple) permanent or by pushing
  • Difficulty in joint mobilization at the beginning of the movement and predominantly in the morning, which improves with movement
  • Functional limitation of joints

Conventional treatment is usually not very effective and has multiple adverse effects due to its toxicity at different levels: renal, digestive, liver, etc.

Effects of Cannabis in rheumatic diseases

Beyond definition, what characterizes all these conditions is chronicity, pain, and the inflammatory component.

It is widely known that cannabinoids, particularly THC and CBD, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and their application in all these processes. On the other hand, the osteoarticular system has a shortage of action (receptors) sites for most compounds, which explains most of the drugs’ ineffectiveness. However, active sites for cannabinoids in the joints have been demonstrated, even with degenerative processes such as osteoarthritis.

Besides, cannabinoids have actions in the modulation of immunity, and as mentioned, many of these diseases have an autoimmune cause. In this sense, unlike conventional immunosuppressants, CBD can reduce the immune response against the body itself without affecting the response to infections or tumor processes Suboxone 8mg.

Although THC has a significant analgesic effect due to its psychoactive and cardiovascular effects, especially in the elderly, that should limit the doses of this compound to avoid cognitive side effects and blood pressure and accompanied by adequate amounts of CBD that neutralize the psychoactive effects.

In addition to pain relief and reduction of inflammation, Cannabis and cannabinoids in rheumatic diseases can provide other benefits on the general state of the patient, improving the quality of sleep, appetite, mood; in short, the quality of life.

Administration of Cannabis and cannabinoids in rheumatic diseases

It is recommended that the routes of administration in these diseases be both local and general. This translates into creams or lotions to be applied to painful spots, added to the ingestion of oils or tinctures. Thus, while treating the painful and inflammatory symptoms of rheumatic disease in general and seeking to influence autoimmunity modulation, it can be more effective in relieving pain without resorting to high THC doses. THC creams used locally in principle do not generate psychoactive effects, although you should be alert to possible allergic reactions to THC.

The benefits of CBD, the secret ingredient in marijuana

Marijuana has many benefits for your health: Whether you are suffering from a medical condition such as glaucoma or epilepsy or want to improve your already stable health, marijuana is an ally for all who are worried about their health.

The secret is in CBD oil and moon rocks, moon rock for sale, marijuana. It has been given to all that marijuana that has been modified in the old way, crossed with other varieties of Cannabis until finding a plant that has a high concentration of CBD oil at the same time, a low concentration of THC.

THC, CBD, different varieties of Cannabis … What is all this?

Before we start using CBD oil, one of the best things we could do for ourselves is to educate ourselves enough to be able to answer that all-too-common question: “What is CBD?”

The latest thing to know is that CBD oil is a chemical compound found in the Cannabis plant. CBD is just an abbreviation for cannabidiol. Much easier to remember if it says CBD.

Cannabidiol, although it is extraordinary for its medicinal properties, is only one of the more than one hundred chemical compounds that we can find in the Cannabis plant. All these chemical compounds are, technically speaking, very similar to each other moon rock for sale. They all under the same category real moon rocks for sale, named after the plant in which they originate:

Another essential Cannabinoid is THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol is a quirky cannabinoid, sharing fame with the CBD oil, but for different reasons, buy moon rocks weed. What kind of effect each of the other compounds has on us:

CBD: Relaxes, increases circulation, and lowers blood pressures. Stimulates the appetite and calms nausea.

THC: It acts on our mind, changes the way we perceive reality. It makes us feel drunk.

The concentration of these compounds varies according to the different varieties of Cannabis oil. Cannabis Indica, buy moon rocks weed, has a higher concentration of CBD than Cannabis Sativa. The plants used to make CBD oil, buy moon rocks, weed, and Pure Cookies other products with this compound are often modified to carry high CBD concentrations and little or no THC.

What Can I Use CBD For?

CBD helps improve and alleviate a ton of symptoms and conditions. Here we provide you with a short guide to standard requirements for which CBD is used most often.


The most popular property of CBD is analgesia. This small dose of CBD oil can ease aches and pains very quickly in less than an hour.

CBD oil is viral as an alternative to pain relievers in capsules or pills. These can cause stomach ulcers, irritation, and many other symptoms that make it impossible for many people to follow a treatment with this type of pain reliever.

CBD, however, is entirely harmless ingested as an oil or capsule. Besides, it is able to calm the irritation of these gastrointestinal tracts by simple contacts.

The topical use of slactavis for sale, CBD oil. Apply to the effective area and give a massage; CBD oil can reduce inflammation and irritation. It has antibacterial properties, so it is an acceptable option when we have a small or superficial cut as it relieves itching, irritation and prevents infection products.


Difficulty falling asleep is something of the world’s population. We have difficulty falling asleep, and we do not get more than eight hours of sleep a day, which experts recommend.

And it’s not just a question of quantity: The quality of your sleep is also essential. CBD oil, taken half an hour to an hour before going to sleep, will not only help us to fall asleep more easily. Thanks to its relaxing effects that release us from muscle tension and other pains that disturb our sleep, it will also help us fall into a deeper sleep than we used to.

Whatever you use it for, CBD is most effective when administered daily. Once you have bought your best quality CBD oil, it is vitally important that you establish a routine: decide on three different hours to take the CBD oil, and so you don’t forget, use the alarm on your mobile to remember you.

The most effective is to take CBD with meals. Before or after it does not make much difference, although it is better to take it some time before the dinner, it increases the appetite and gives an extra touch to the food, as it amplifies the sense of taste.

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